Larch lining: the pros and cons

Many people are currently trying not only to move closer to nature, but also to purchase everything natural and ecological in their homes. And creating the interior of a cottage or a country house, everyone strives for warmth and comfort. Among the finishing materials that meet these requirements, larch lining is particularly popular.

Special features

Lining itself is a material used for finishing work. More specifically, this is a thin strip with end tongue-and-groove connections. Its use depends on the kind of wood used to create the wall paneling. Most often for this purpose, such a species of wood is used as larch. Lining of this material is used for decoration of rooms with too high humidity, for example, for saunas or baths, as well as for residential premises located in cold regions.Also it is used for finishing the facades of houses.

This tree has a very slow growth, so that the material is quite dense. If you compare it with oak on the Brynner scale, the larch is inferior to it only by one unit. When considering the longitudinal slice, you can see quite clear rings, which were formed in one year.

In the production of larch lining use only the core of a reddish hue. Before processing, it is necessary to dry the blanks so that their moisture content is no more than 20%.

Advantages and disadvantages

This material has both advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered in more detail, so that when you buy a material you know everything about it. The excellent characteristics of this wood allow you to use the wall paneling for various purposes.

It has many advantages that allow you to use it for decoration of different rooms:

  • In lining of larch contains a large number of resins that allocates this material. Even pine and cedar lose her on this parameter. By hardness it is very difficult to distinguish even from oak.
  • It is very rarely attacked by insects, and there is practically no mold on it, so the material is used to decorate rooms in a damp environment.
  • Couples that lining emits at elevated temperatures contain phytoncides. They benefit the human body - strengthen the immune system or neutralize the air.
  • Also, this material is fire resistant, so it can be used even in the kitchen.
  • Larch lining is an excellent heat insulator, it slowly heats up and cools. Therefore, lining can keep warm for a long time in winter and cool in summer.
  • It can withstand even large mechanical loads, and is not afraid of bad weather conditions.
  • It has a large palette of shades and for a long time retains an attractive appearance, which makes it very popular among aesthetes and designers.
  • The presence of such a substance as gum, protects the wood from mold and various fungi.
  • In a room with a finish of larch, a special atmosphere reigns. It is filled with forest scents that help strengthen the immune system, as well as normalize the work of the nervous system.
  • Such material does not require additional finishing, as it does not undergo rotting and cracking.
  • Installation works of lining differ in ease.With it, you can hide the unevenness of the walls.

As with any material, larch lining has some drawbacks.

It requires additional processing, as follows:

  • it needs to be aged artificially and somewhat strengthen the relief;
  • for the wood to look beautiful, you need to emphasize the difference in color and structure of the rings;
  • also lining demands coloring;
  • after a while it needs to be changed.


There are several types of larch lining. For example, lining and “calm”. Also do not forget about the usual clapboard. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you need to consider its varieties in more detail.


This type of clapboard is different in that the angles of its front side are sloped thirty degrees. Due to this, in the places where the joints are located, grooves appear. The spike is slightly shorter than the groove. This allows the tree to expand. The surface inside is fairly flat.

Since the wall panel has longitudinal grooves, this makes it possible to circulate airas well as condensate that collects under the skin. To some extent, this helps to compensate for the internal stress, which is formed at a rather sharp temperature difference. For such material allowed moisture up to 28%.It is used to finish both walls and ceilings in different rooms.


This lining is different from other types of rounded corners, located on the front side. That is why the transitions at the joints seem smoother. It has very good qualities and is very popular with customers. The board is planed on four sides, which allows it to look beautiful and rich. It is perfectly flat, so it is used to finish both the walls and the ceiling.

Lining "calm" has a high price, but it is justified. After all, it is manufactured according to strict standards, which means that it is always of very high quality. This lining has many advantages, among which it is worth noting such moments as hardness and strength of the material. Lining is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation, besides not afraid of chemicals. It is resistant to different temperatures and moisture.

This type of wall paneling will last for many years without losing any attractiveness or qualities.

Euro lining

The finishing material, which is based on Siberian larch, is distinguished by a special quality of processing and a difficult form.So, from its seamy side there are deep grooves of the joint, as well as longitudinal grooves. As well as in standard lining, they are made for ventilation of space. They are also needed to remove condensate. As a result, its service life is greatly increased, and the indoor climate is also greatly improving.

Installation work is carried out easily and simply thanks to the connections consisting of thorns. It also makes it possible to replace any damaged board at any time. Such material can be used indoors with a humidity level of up to 12%. It meets all European standards. It has an external difference in the form of a wide and long spike up to 9 millimeters in size, part of which is visible after the installation work. The result is a fairly relief plane, having a groove at the junction. It is used for interior decoration of walls and ceilings.


She appeared on the construction markets quite recently, but gains them fairly quickly. This type of wall paneling has a well-defined tree topography and an unusual surface structure. A room with such a finish looks very elegant.Being in such a room is not only comfortable, but also healthy.

Artificially aged board has a very attractive appearance and high quality. It is non-toxic and has such qualities as resistance to moisture, strength, resistance to ultraviolet rays. It also has some decoration, so it is used in rooms such as a living room, to create an atmosphere of antiquity in the room and add pomposity to it.

Depending on the variety of larch, the brushed clapboard from it can be divided into several groups:

  1. The class "Extra" is flawless boards in which there can be no defects.
  2. Class "A" allows for no more than one knot per half meter boards.
  3. Class "B" is no more than four knots for every half meter of the board, as well as two cracks and two resin pockets. In addition, some minor damage may be present.
  4. Class "C" is commonly referred to as ordinary marriage, although according to GOST standards, this is completely unacceptable.


Unlike previous materials, it has a surface with some protrusions, due to which the sheathing looks like laying boards overlapped.The cross section of the panel is slightly sloping, so the thickness of the sides has a difference of up to 8 millimeters. Such lining is more used for finishing outside for the reason that the overlaps help to protect the joints from the ingress of water.

There are still some types of larch lining, but they are less common. This includes the Land House, which has a concave inward front surface. Therefore, after installation, the walls look like waves. Still there is lining under the bar, having such form, as well as standard lining. But installation work on its installation is carried out in a horizontal way. You can not ignore such a view as a block house. This lining has a convex outer side, which allows to simulate a log. Laying such material is done horizontally.


Manufacturers stick to standard sizes, which are almost the same in all types. The thickness of the standard board is from 12 to 15 millimeters. Its width can be from 80 to 100 millimeters. Board length can be from 1 to 6 meters. Mostly sizes depend on manufacturers. See the information you need on the packaging.

Tips and tricks

When buying lining from larch, you need to remember its pros and cons. Therefore, the purchase can not do without the advice and recommendations of experts who will help to avoid many ambiguities in the acquisition of this material.

When buying, special attention should be paid to the fact that the drying of the wall panel was carried out so well. After all, the cost of low-quality goods may be much lower than in the construction market. Therefore, the degree of humidity should be measured using a special device - a moisture meter.

Buying expensive materials you need to look to match the characteristics of the class. The seller at the request of the buyer is obliged to open the package and let him check how the product corresponds to the declared grade. If there is a marriage, he must either replace it or return the money to the buyer.

To check if there is a violation of geometry, it is necessary to connect the boards with each other. Particular attention should be given to such types of larch lining as "calm" and eurolining. After all, their quality should be at the highest level. Therefore, acquiring such materials, you must carefully check all relevant standards.

When buying clapboard, it is necessary to remember that the wider the slats, the easier it is to carry out installation work.

Beautiful examples of finishes

Finishing of larch clapboard will look great in any room. It is suitable for baths or saunas, as well as for mansard premises or other living rooms, for example, a living room or a bedroom.


Deciding to make a cozy corner in the attic, you can use this material. The whole room has a lining trim, which gives it a special comfort and warmth. In such a room there is no need to install a lot of extra furniture. A single bed, a dresser and bedside tables are enough to ensure a pleasant stay. Here you can feel the unity with nature.


Lining of larch is perfect for finishing baths. The walls made of such material are perfectly combined with harmoniously selected benches and create comfort in the room. Couples, released when the room is heated, will allow you to relax and get real pleasure. They also help recover from acute respiratory diseases. Therefore, warming up in such a bath will be both pleasant and useful.

Living room

Special comfort gives such a living room decoration. The room trimmed with clapboard around the perimeter will not only allow you to relax in comfort, but also receive a lot of pleasure from the aroma coming from this material. Cozy furniture allows you to sit at a small table with your family or friends. A beautiful view from the window will complement the impressions of the time spent. For city dwellers, interior design with the help of clapboard will help you to relax from the city rush.

Having decided to purchase lining of larch for finishing the premises in the house, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of this material. This will help you choose a quality finish option that will meet the needs of the buyer. And correctly chosen lining will precisely serve for a long time, pleasing the eye, keeping the room warm and creating a cozy atmosphere.

For information on how to mount the “Calm” lining of larch, see the following video.

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Living room