How to remove old grout from tile joints?

 How to remove old grout from tile joints?

The final stage in the finishing of the room with tiles is the grouting, which transforms the whole look of the interior, and also prevents many unpleasant effects. Namely, it prevents the destruction of the structure of the tile from moisture, because for technological reasons, the tile is covered with glaze only on top, and the sides are not protected.

Due to its properties, the trowel mixture hides places exposed to various impacts. But unfortunately, it is not forever, everything ever comes into disrepair. As a result, it is required from time to time to update the appearance or carry out a major overhaul. In this case, remove the old and put a new putty. How to do this qualitatively, without spending a lot of time, not to the detriment of himself is told further.

Causes of wear

If a short period of time has passed after the laying of the finishing elements, and the tile has lost its original appearance, then there are several reasons for this trouble:

  • Not properly (with gaps or bubbles) the joint cavity is filled.
  • Poor quality grout material, mismatching with the tile according to different characteristics: resistance to temperature changes, moisture, etc.
  • The solution was prepared with shortcomings. The proportions of water, dry composition or other errors are conflicting instructions that affect the duration of operation.
  • Poorly ventilated room, which leads to high humidity and creates favorable conditions for the fungus.
  • Violation of the rules of the last stage of laying.
  • The use of detergents, which include substances that adversely affect the trowel mixture.
  • The occurrence and penetration of mold inside the grout.
  • If the seams have light shades and look like dark ones, severe contamination is possible.

    Capital cleanup will help determine that a grout update is required. If the result of cleaning does not satisfy with high-quality and reliable cleaning solutions,then you need to take more decisive action. Otherwise, peeling, scraping or loss of color of the coating may occur.

    The need for stripping

    If the seams that have changed color cannot be wiped off in various ways, it is most likely that mold spreads there.

    This can be understood by some features:

    • Cracks appeared between the tiled modules, the solution crumbles or falls out in pieces, in some places the voids are visible to the naked eye.
    • The top layer in the dark places can not be erased even with a rough brush.
    • Clean seams seem to be heavily soiled.

    The seam, covered with mold, is senselessly superficially cleaned or painted, it must be reconstructed, and if the elements are already staggering or falling away, then in this case a major overhaul is simply necessary.

    Removal from the finishing surface of unsuitable material is possible in several ways and using different tools:

    • mechanical using power tools;
    • mechanical using hand tools;
    • chemical method.

    Power tool use

      Drill or grinder is the surest power tool for removing unnecessary composition from the gaps between the masonry elements.This is a fast and efficient way with the right approach and ability to own equipment.

      Otherwise, it will not do without marriage and waste of time, it is better to invite a able person.

      In any case, there may be additional costs for damaged items that can rarely be avoided using electrical appliances.

      To clean the cavities of cemented mass with an electric tool, it is necessary to carry out the working part along the joints, maintaining a uniform pressure force.

      It is necessary to carry out actions precisely along the seam line, smoothly and quickly. At the corners you need to be extremely careful and careful with the tool.

      It is possible and even better to use a limiterwhich closes the edges of the tile in order to avoid chipping and damage.

      Manual sweep

      A time-consuming process that requires much more time and effort, but is safer for both the elements of decoration and for humans.

      For this method will need:

      • shoe knife or paint knife;
      • chisel;
      • antibacterial primer composition;
      • sponge;
      • fine-grained and medium-grained emery paper;
      • personal protective equipment;
      • masking tape

        Before work, cover the floor with a material that does not accept dust in the necessary places so as not to pollute the room. Then glue the surface of the tile, especially pay attention to the edges, masking tape. Then just get down to the main work.

        To make the upcoming work process faster and more efficient, follow the steps below as per the steps:

        • Take a shoe or paint knife in your hand, draw a strip along the seam, which requires stripping, as far as possible, it is desirable to make it possible to cut through completely.
        • Using a chisel, remove the trowel from the edge of the tile to the place of the cut first, on one side. Then duplicate the process with the adjacent tile, resulting in a completely released seam.
        • Clean the edges of the tiles with fine-grained sandpaper to eliminate the remnants of dirty grouting.
        • Antibacterial primer carefully blot the cleaned area to prevent mold, strengthen the interaction of the tile with a fresh layer of cooked putty. When the primer is completely dry, the area will be ready for a new grout.

        Chemical method

        If the previous methods for you are unacceptable or unprofitable, you should use the last option - the elimination of the material between the elements of the tile with the help of potent means.

        There are highly aggressive solvents that are able to easily eat up any trowel compound.

        But there is one nuance, when choosing the right chemical, you need to know how it will interact with the type of mixture used to fill the seams.

          There is no need to use a chemical method at random, for example, for a ceiling tile, since it will take a lot of time, possibly extra costs, to achieve the desired result.

          The easiest and best "grandma" way: take one portion of vinegar and mix with two portions of water. This miraculous solution process seams and leave it for about one hour.

          To clean the joints with chemicals you need to do the following:

          • Seal the edges of the tiles to protect them with masking tape. To preserve the structure of colors and the general background of the elements of the masonry, cover them with a film.
          • Carefully, without haste, apply a chemical solution, designed by type and characteristics over the seams.
          • Soak the solvent for a period of time, the proposed instruction, to the most optimal stage of absorption.
          • After the required period, check the softening condition of the suture consistency. If it is not loose or solid in places, repeat the process, it is possible only in those places where the reaction did not occur.
          • Remove the softened mass between the tile elements chisel or something like that.
          • Use a sponge to remove the remaining dirt from the solution, then wipe it dry with a non-stiff cloth.

          Restoration of the seam

          In cases where the seams of the masonry are not affected by mold, but simply darkened due to soiling or you wanted to change their color, there is no need to clean them completely. Also, with frequent cleaning, the layer is gradually washed out, which requires its restoration.

          In such situations, you can restore and give the seams an attractive look, resorting to simple actions:

            • We need to make sure that there is no mold and that the trowel mixture has retained its properties.
            • Tape the edges of the tiles with masking tape to protect against accidental damage, scratching.
            • Use medium-grained sandpaper and remove it over the seam with careful movements.outer layer.
            • Antibacterial primer treat the surface of the seam and leave to dry completely.
            • Using a coloring marker or rubber spatula, apply a fresh layer of putty to the seam.

              After all these procedures, remove the already unnecessary adhesive tape and apply a wax-based polish on the surface to give the finish an aesthetic look. This option to restore masonry is extremely simple and accurate in relation to the coating.

              There are some more simple ways using ordinary household components:

              1. On the grate, rub the pieces of any soap and fill them with warm water. When the soap is gone, stir the solution until smooth. Sponge the mixture on the seams and rub with a hard side. Soon there will be dirty foam. Wash off the dirt and wipe dry so that there are no streaks on the tiles.
              2. Mix four parts of soda with three parts of hydrogen peroxide. You can add washing gel to remove fat. Apply to the spaces between the modules, rub and leave for more than two hours. Thoroughly clean the necessary parts and wash away the dirty slurry. Using this simple method, you can effortlessly clean out the outdated epoxy grout.It is not advisable to apply to colored seams, it is better to replace with other means.

              Security measures

              In any work area there is a risk of various injuries, including in the form of psychological disorders due to potent chemicals. Here and in this case, at first glance, cleaning the seams of tiles is a safe job. But if you ponder, then there will be several reasons, the consequences of which can be serious.

              So it is better to use some means of protection:

                1. Respirator. It will protect the respiratory tract from clogging with dust, toxic evaporation of solutions and mixtures.
                2. Gloved hands. High-quality gloves will rid the fingers and palms of chemicals and prevent skin damage when handling tools.
                3. Special clothes. Especially it is necessary when working with power tools, so that, for example, the sleeve is not wound onto open rotating parts.

                  Cleaning seams is desirable to produce in a room that is well ventilated.

                  Do not tire yourself and make a break about once every half hour, preferably outdoors.

                  In the course of treatment, it is better to call someone as an assistant who, in an unpredictable situation (injury or poisoning), will be able to assist and call a doctor.

                  Stick to these rules and health will not be threatened, and the room will look great!

                  Another way to remove grout, see the video below.

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                  Living room