Chopper for the kitchen in the sink

Comfort in the kitchen is provided by several factors, among which the main place is occupied by special equipment. There are many home appliances used in cooking. But I would like to pay special attention to the kitchen sink, where garbage is constantly accumulating. That's it for its high-quality removal today are increasingly using special grinders. With their help, you can get rid of the accumulation of dirt and the occurrence of unpleasant odors in the room.

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What it is?

Grinder for the kitchen in the sink - a mechanism for the mechanical destruction of waste into small pieces. After performing the main operation, all waste is disposed of in the sewer.

The process of such structures is carried out only in a humid environment, so it is necessary to feed some water into the chamber. If garbage gets there while washing dishes, then there is no need to add liquid intentionally.Designs can work and dry, but in this case, their effectiveness simply decreases.

The dispenser has small dimensions and is connected instead of a siphon under the sink. Most of these mechanisms have the standard size of the connecting hole that you need to consider when buying them for your car wash.


Grinders are special systems within which certain types of working organs are located. With their help, and performed the destruction of garbage. The work of kitchen utilizers can be provided in several ways, which makes it possible to divide them into 2 large categories:

  1. Mechanical shredders. Designs of this type consist of several cutting elements. Knives allow shredding waste to a particle size of about 3 mm, depending on the modification of the device. It should be noted that these devices are driven by a stream of water having a pressure greater than 2.5 atm. This restriction does not allow the use of mechanical dispensers in many apartments and private houses.
  2. Electric shredders. A distinctive feature of these mechanisms is the lack of "classic" knives.Instead, they install special "cams", which are recorded on a special disk. Small sharp knives are also attached to the walls of the case. As they rotate, the fists push the waste to the body, where they are used to destroy it using the tools previously mentioned.

The electric motor gives the disc a frequency of 1400 to 3500 rpm. It should be noted that the higher this value, the better the grinding of the product.

Management of such dispensers is performed using a button that is installed on the surface of the sink. Some models can be equipped with a remote control, which makes them much more convenient. One of the drawbacks is the use of electrics for work, which is not always safe in such an environment. This is especially true of low-quality products, which are assembled without complying with the basic technical recommendations.

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How to choose

On the market today there are many different products of this kind, which have their own distinctive characteristics. Before buying a grinder pump, it is important to evaluate several features of this technique:

  1. The volume of the camera.This parameter directly depends on the power of the utilizer and can vary in the range from 0.8 to 1.5 liters. It is not advisable to buy a low-power product with a large capacity.
  2. Power. This feature is important if you are buying an electric type chopper. The best option for a small family (4-5 people) will be the mechanism, issuing 550 kW. There are also more powerful devices that allow the processing of large volumes of waste in a relatively short period of time.
  3. Material. Grinders are made in most cases of stainless steel. Some modifications can be supplemented with a protective layer that prevents the destruction of the metal under the influence of "bad" water.
  4. Noise level. The shredders are quite loud and can produce sounds of 40 to 70 dB. For comparison, it should be said that in the washing machine during the spin cycle this number reaches 60-70 dB.
  5. The reverse system allows you to optimally direct the flow of particles.
  6. Security level This includes not only the automatic shutdown during overloads, but also the high-quality design of the case and the impossibility of damaging the hands when working with the product.

When choosing, it is important not only to pay attention to the technical features of the dispensers, but also to take into account feedback from other buyers. This will allow you to choose the best value for money.

What products can work with?

Dispatcher is a complex and powerful mechanism, but it does not allow to dispose of many substances:

  1. Large bones. Their grinding does not always occur qualitatively, which can lead to clogging of pipes with the need to clean them.
  2. Corn cobs, banana peel and other products that have a fibrous structure. Such substances are very difficult to destroy, as they are simply wound on knives and then simply not washed down the drain.
  3. Onion Husk
  4. Plastic bags and all kinds of threads. Winding them on knives will lead to the failure of the entire system.
  5. Hot fat This substance in this state is very easily mixed with other waste and just clogs all the holes, not allowing to carry out a high-quality drain.

Grinders are designed to work with these categories of products:

  1. Small pruning of fruits and vegetables.Can grind bones from plums or heights, as well as cut peels from watermelon or melon.
  2. Shell with eggs.
  3. Almost all kinds of cereals and pasta.
  4. Small bones from fish, meat or poultry.
  5. All kinds of paper napkins and towels that have a one-time purpose.

Experts recommend in case of ingestion into the system of substances that may lead to malfunction, you need to stop the operation of the shredder and remove them from the camera.

Maintenance work

During operation, the dispenser self-cleans, but experts recommend periodically to take certain preventive actions:

  1. Sometimes try to grind in the device only small bones or eggshells. These substances will clear the walls of the accumulated debris inside. An alternative would be ice, lemon peel and soda.
  2. Once or twice a year, use special means for prevention. They can be purchased at special stores.

We carry out installation independently

A sink with a waste shredder is a universal system that allows you to greatly simplify the disposal of household waste.It is quite simple to install such a construction and it can be done in several stages:

  1. The first step is to bring a separate outlet to the sink. It should be protected from moisture and located in a convenient place, making it easy to maintain.
  2. After that, the siphon is removed. Be sure after that you need to clean all the joints of dirt. Also at this stage, the wash release is deleted.
  3. Mounting mounting disposer. When it is fixed, it is connected to the body of the utilizer.
  4. The installation is completed by connecting the button and connecting the dispenser drain hole to the main sewage system using special pipes and adapters.

Kitchen grinders are an excellent opportunity to reduce the amount of accumulated debris and eliminate the occurrence of unpleasant odors that occur in a standard siphon.

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